Ever worry about safety while training? We have the solution...

Tiga Tactics

Tiga Tactics offers online training done at your own pace that will make you safer whether on the trail, road or at the gym.  Their simple yet effective system was developed using real world Close Circuit TV footage of actual attacks.  Explore the world of Tiga Tactics below and sign up to train with them from the comfort of your own home.

"Run if You can, 
destroy if you must"

Whether you don't have the time or available training facility to help you train martial arts, we have a solution for you. The experts at Tiga Tactics have come up with a full suite of online programs. These can be purchased once, learned by yourself or with a training partner and reviewed as many times as you want (unlike attending a seminar). Courses are broken into sections and you go through them at your own pace. These were developed by two cousins, Dr. Conrad Bui and Patrick Vuong who have more than 60 years of martial arts experience and a cumulative 12 black belt equivalents. It's a no nonsense approach to self defense that distills just what you need to know (or what you may need to teach a loved one) to be effective when the situation requires.

Learn More about Tiga Tactics

Check out Tiga Tactics podcast available on all major streaming platforms for some free content on their concepts.